Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A long overdue update on The Foster's!

Man it's been forever since I've last updated. I'd love to say that I update my other blog much more, but I don't do that either!

Let's get straight to it, an update on the crew!

My big man starts kindergarten in the fall. Only a month and a half away. We went shopping at Target today and he tried on all different kinds of backpacks. There was my baby, all excited about going to school and getting a new back pack, and there I was, crying like a little baby in the middle of Target. I had a moment of sheer panic. This little boy is almost 5, and he has spent every moment of every day with me. Even when I worked he went to the childcare that I worked at! I saw him whenever I wanted to or whenever he needed me. Does this kind of sound like I am worried about how he is going to do without me? It is quite the opposite. What am I going to do without him? I miss him so much already. He is going to love school. I am going to be okay, right mommas out there who have been through this?! I cannot believe my baby, my first born, is going to school! Time goes far too fast.

Little momma is such a girlie girl. She loves to wear dresses and pretty sparkly shoes. But don't ever try to mess with her hair! She looks like the wolfman most of the time. On the rare occasions when she allows her hair to be done, she half yanks it out in about 15 minutes. That's my girl! She knows what she wants. She is talking so well now too. She can speak in a few word sentences, and she will pick up anything new that you say in front of her. That has made for some pretty funny conversations with her!
She will be getting her first ever MRI in August. She has a tremor and the neurologist wants to make sure it's nothing big going on. I've been having a bit of a rough time dealing with it, but I keep trying to remind myself not to worry until I have something to worry about. Easier said than done, right?!

Cole is on summer break from his therapy, so he's been able to mellow out and relax a little, which has been nice for him. He is really starting to say words now too. His favorite to say is cookie (he takes after his momma with his love of sweets!). He says it with this little squeal in his voice and it just melts my heart! We are still in limbo with a diagnosis for him. He meets with a new neurologist (the same one Lucy now sees), and he meets with his genetics team again next month to see where we want to go from here. He is such a little champ! He still has trouble with his sleep. He screams on and off all night long. His pedi thinks that he may be having complex seizures. He wants the new neurologist to do an EEG on Cole. I am relieved that somebody wants to do something! I feel like the waiting game just keeps going and going and going. I am glad that everything we have checked for has been negative. I really am. But that sometimes makes it even harder to know that something is wrong with your baby, and you have no answers to it at all. BUT, Cole is amazing! He learns new things every day, and he is just an awesome little dude :)

I've finished school and am now working as a medical assistant. It is in my plans in the near future to take my certification test. I eventually want to become a registered nurse. I have also been having thoughts of becoming an EMT. Who knows! I think I am really just a life long student and I will always want to go back to school for something. I have been dealing with an amazing amount of stress lately, and it's been rough, but I know it will get better. Who knows when, but it will :) Jon and I take every day one day at a time, and that is working for us and our family. He is working an intense amount of hours, so the time we do get to spend together is awesome. We are going on a midnight date to see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow. How lucky am I?! I can't wait <3