Saturday, October 23, 2010


I feel convicted to write this blog about bullying.
I've been bullied. A lot. I've been called names. A lot of names. Some horrible, and some just plain stupid. All of the names had to do with me being fat. I was even bullied in college.

I've been called a fat pig. A worthless piece of shit. I've had people write plus size power on my dorm door when I was away at school. I've been called fat more times than I could ever remember.

I remember each and every incidence of being called names. Sometimes it came from someone I didn't even know. When I started 9th grade I was walking around a corner at school and I accidently almost ran into a guy who was coming the other way. He called me a fat bitch. Lovely, right? I don't know how much this name calling has played into my self esteem, but I can say that I am very conscience of my appearance. I always feel fat. I always wonder how awful I look in something that I am wearing. I have lost and gained and lost and gained weight for years. It is a nasty cycle. I am working on breaking it.

At this moment in my life I am under an immense amount of stress. I cope with that by eating. Not good for me or my waistline. I sometimes wonder what people are thinking, and if they are calling me fat in their heads. Ridiculous, right?

I guess my point in all of this is, don't bully. Don't call people names. Not only is it mean, but it can really effect a person's life. Teach your kids not to bully. Teach your kids to stand up for the victim being bullied. It only takes one person to make a difference. I am doing my best to raise my kids to be that one person.